Newcastle Labor

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Summer fun begins at Newy's beaches and pools!

A new giant inflatable made its first big splash at Beresfield Swimming Centre when the 2018/19 beach and pool season opened this week. 

The ‘Might Medley’ at Bero Pool!

Kids loved the 12-metre-long 'Mighty Medley' inflatable along with additional shading and seating, all designed to make the pool a better place for families to relax in summer.

Given the distance from our western suburbs like Beresfield and Tarro to the beaches and ocean baths, as well as substantial growth in the use of the pool, the City is thrilled to provide these new additions.

We also provide increased community access at the lowest admission cost of any swim centre right across Newcastle*.

On the beaches, the City's professional lifeguards returned to patrols equipped with a new high-powered, light-weight jet ski.

Catching a wave on City of Newcastle’s new high-powered, light-weight jet ski

Based at Nobbys Beach, where lifeguards patrol year-round, the jet ski will act as a 'guardian angel' between Stockton Bight and Merewether Beach.

Last week lifeguards Ian Gordon and Scott Hammerton made quick use of the speedy water craft to save a man swept off rocks behind the Bogey Hole.

Following a rescue call from the Westpac Helicopter, Scott ran the jet ski out to Ian, who was training between the flags and already kitted out in his wetsuit. Lucky for the fisherman, Ian hopped aboard and reached him about 2-3 minutes after the call.

That's just one example of how the jet ski helps our lifeguards be more flexible and responsive.

The jet ski is employed during shark sightings, mass rescues, in large surf when the rescue board is not adequate, for boats in distress close to shore, to assist the Westpac when they need back-up, and to patrol the flagged areas on the busiest beach days.

The rescue is a great reminder for all of us to keep water safety in mind so that everyone enjoys a happy, healthy and safe summer.

*The cost of single admissions will remain the same at Beresfield ($2.80)